Friday, September 20, 2013

Fabricating a stop motion doll

Hi all!

This is my first attempt at making my own (functionnal) stop motion puppet. I realize I should have taken more photos of the process and show a step by step, but since it was my first try I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to make it so this was more expirimental. I'll do a step by step on my next one, but for now, I'll sum up how I made it. 

So as you can see from the photo on the top left, I made an armature out of wire that I lightly twisted base roughly on a quick scale drawing i had made previously. Then, I secured some of the joints with some plumbers epoxy putty witch dries hard as cement. It's what I also used to make the skull of my character in witch I pressed beads into to create eye sockets. For the exterior of my character, I used felt fibers for needle felting. I wrapped it aronud my skeleton and then with a felting needle, tucked and secured the loose ends around the entire skeleton of my puppet. 

For the hands, I used smaller wire (flower arrangement wire), some plumbers putty for the paml of the hand  and liquid silicone applied in a buildup fashion to  simulate skin. The silicone dries clear so I then painted it grey to match the fur.